Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Good Day!

I always encourage young fresh accounting grads to join in any big four or medium audit firm as their first job. I believe working in audit firm will expose them more to the real world of accounting. Beside that, working in audit firm will benefit them in terms of experience, knowledge and skills.
It will hard. It will be stressful. But as fresh grad, that are young and full of spirit, they will able to cope it. Fight it. Be strong. Just keep strong for 3-4 years then go for commercial line.

I remember my external auditing days. I hate it so much. I was stress i was pressure. But i love auditing. It was a love-hate relationship. I gained so much knowledge from my audit team especially my seniors that i dont think i will gain it somewhere else. I love travelling for works. For stocktake. I enjoyed it.

But, here come the but. Sometime you will get multi job at the same time. You had to be multi task, or else you will be doom. You try possible ways to make it happened. The workload will always become the burden. The managers ? If you lucky enough, you will get managers that understand you. Pressure from directors? you tell me. Reporting date, due date somehow pressure. 24 hours working, sleep at work will become your habit.

But trust me, what you gain is worth it. In other to survive this world, you need a support circle, that you trust to share some problem, to membawang a little bit, your vitamin's pill. You need them. And lucky me, i had my very supportive circle.

So, after all this long post, i reaaaaly encourage fresh grad to join audit firm. No matter big four or small medium, go gain some experience. It will give you what you want in future. Trust me.

Membaca tanpa mengomen ibarat berak x basuh. eii. yerk!