Saturday, March 5, 2016

Jalan Cari Makan (Edisi Kelate): Cafe The Philia- Your Neighbourhood Supply]


Hai, baru- baru ni peanut berkesempatan berkunjung ke Cafe The Philia yang viral di facebook baru-baru ni. Cafe The Philia yang bertemakan boutique cafe ni dengan moto "Your Neighbourhood Supply" ini terletak di jalan pengkalan chepa . Boleh waze. Namun singboard cafe ni memang tidak kelihatan di mata kasar kita. Secuit sangat signnya.  Nak kena pergi intai kat small board kt pintu tu dulu. Tapi kalau dah nampak wisma wan bertentangan tu, kira konfirmlah korang di jalan yang benar.

Okay. Untuk makanan pula, cafe ini meneyediakan sajian makanan western seperti chicked grill, burgers , spaghetti, dessert and sort of drink. So buat pertama kali ni, peanut cuba chicken grilled, nachos with minched beef and Resberry Barbican.

Chicken Grilled peanut sedikit hangit. Actually alot. Tapi sebab dah lapar and waiting time for food to be serve tu lama, peanut tak sanggup nak tnggu for another food. But, thr sauce was tasty. Tp portion coselaw seconet jer kat tepi tu. For me the price is overrated than the food. I can get this chicken grill at other place with cheaper price. * pic atas chicken grilled hangit. pic bawah whar i should get less the chicken wings.

Okay. Then my nachos with minched beef  was very tasty. But the portion quite big for RM 8 price. So bajet awal2 cm sikit  jer. Sekalai kau datang so pinggan weh. Actually, peanut prefer the minched beef tu dlm seperate small bowl ke rather than poured it on the nachos. Yup . nachos hilang its crunchy. But it is still tasty. Overall the food is indah viral fb dari sebenar. Yup, always happened kalau cafe tu viral, konfirm bila pergi try. Nah. Dont deserve the viral. Tapi for sure the food is tasty cuma overrated on fb.

Btw, suasana dalam cafe tu chill and rilex jer . Sesuai kalau datang nak lepak lepak chill. Bawak awek ke. Service dari staff pun terbaik. Memang peramah and baik hati. Awek cunnnn. Heee.

Definitely, im not going to come and try others menu. Tapi I might come eat my nachos sambil layan perasaan sikit. Yeaaah. Nyumssss.

Membaca tanpa mengomen ibarat berak x basuh. eii. yerk!

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