![:pandaGeli_08: :pandaGeli_08:](http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn235/izah87/panda/love.gif)
![:pandaGeli_16: :pandaGeli_16:](http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn235/izah87/panda/pissed.gif)
ok, make it seriously..i dun know why i had this feeling towards him..seriously, do u know him? yeah..this is park jae beom..a leader, the old one in the male best band group in korea, 2PM..
i know 2pm from my friend, nabila, she keeps going asking me to watch and become a fan of this group..but i'm so busy..(yea...so la,,,)..then,3, 4 days ago i keep on my eyes on them..my first one that attrack me most is the leader..sumtime the call them ledja..yeah..even, there is cutest, nickhun, the handsome one, taecyeon, and the others, i just paying attention to him..
i keep listening all their songs, i keep google-ing..watching in youtube, i had watch all their videos again n again n again..yeah..like their songs...everyday, every time, I'm only listen to their voice...i keep falling in love with them..especially the leader..i started to discover everything about them..their wild bunny and idol army tv show...
but, i discovered that the one i like most, jaebeom had left 2 pm.almost 5 months ago..that make me shocked..it make me feel strange, like missing someone..yeah..i miss him..searching all the article in internet, i keep reading and sometime my tears drop out..and then, i know the reason..but i think it's not fair to him..the Korean netizen asking him to leave 2 pm..killing himself..out of Korea and so many ridiculous things they asked from jaebeom...the only one reason is because his comment on the social web, myspace that stated that he does't like korea, 5 years ago..i think the person who make up this story is so jealously to jaebeom..right?
peanut sendiri tak tahu kenapa peanut ade perasan sedih ni..susah peanut nak minat kat artis ni macam peanut minat kat jaebeom..mungkin sebab his sincere feeling? dan sebab dia di persalahkan dengan menda yang dah lepas...humans are not perfect men, so stop searching for other's fault...keep improving ur self first...hem..i so sad right now
even i know, that is impossible that u are reading my blog, but i still writing this entry..the only main reason i write this because i want u back to 2 pm..like others hottest..every time i watch 2 pm perform again and again song without u, i keep feeling sad..because i can see the big hole there without u..like others, i just want see u back to 2 pm..there is no such joy to see them without u...if i'm had this feeling, i know you got triple feeling of sadness right? but, if u decide not to come back, please...please bring ur smile back to ur life..i can't stand to see u hurting so much...i just wish that 2 pm will seeing their hottest in Malaysia..with you...
![:pandaGeli_21: :pandaGeli_21:](http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn235/izah87/panda/tearyeyes.gif)
p/s:i/m not good in english,,so many grammar n vocabulary errors..i use broken english..i just improving..keep trying...
my heart was beat ...listen to my heart beat for u, listen to my heart wait for u...
34 pujian[s]:
2pm...i like again again..
ayat englishnya bgus cik kacang tp tang past tense present tense agak broke sket..xpe2..asalkn owg phm..huhu
ensem mamat tu cik kacang..hoho
best2..lagu jaebeom..
try dengar lagu heart beat..
hohoho..bab tu memang peanut kureang sikit..
dulu madam peanut cakap kalau nak tulis article,,
kene choose whether past or present,
tapi peanut tak leh beza lak
ye dia hencem.
nie nadia
mister seattle:
cik peanut, sarangheiyoooo~
i know 2pm & jeabeom pada hari jae leaving 2pm.....media kinda havoc that day....sad...very sad...even i'm not his fans, yet rasa sangat x adil desakan orang hingga buat dia tertekan & buat keputusan tinggalkan 2Pm & tinggalkan Korea...
korean ni memang racist sikit...even skarang hyun joong ss501 (ji hoo sunbea in boys over flower)ni pun kena tekanan oleh netizen korea...
apapun, for me bagi la masa utk jae...payah nak balik ke negara where the people even officially vote for him to suicide...huhuhu
nadia: ye itu kamu...
oh mister seattle, stop surfing in kas class ok?
hurul aini,
yup..korean memang cam gitu...sesetangah lah...kalau dah anti. anti giler..
lamabat atau cepat..
berharap sangat jaebeom ada dalam 2 pm...
syg 2pm wpun jaebum dh kua =)
tetap sayang...
tapi kureng dah sikit..
fuyooo.....ada entry special untuk mamat ni...
sila buat satu entry tu cj bleh??? hahaha!!!!! walopon cj tak hott!! kikiki....
teruk giler rasict kat korea huhuu..syukur duduk Malaysia..
skali tgk jaebeom..
ade mcm muke aku la..
apa khabar dak uum..
nak gak ek..
kene wat story panas lah
sangat teruk
ase cam nak ajak jaebeom dok mesia je..
incik aus,
jaebeom versi malaysia..
uum s ihat je..
owangnya tak sihat tengok uum]
uum bukan best ke..
dgr cte besa je tmpt die..
2pm tu group ke???
ingatkan menatang pe la td, asyik ingat jam je....
maybe jodoh dia nk bertemu ngan peanut kot....
sbb tu dia kn kluar...
incik aus:besa2 tapi dah borink..
ala,,kalau dah dok sini 2 tahun,
mestilah dah ase borink...
incik aus:besa2 tapi dah borink..
ala,,kalau dah dok sini 2 tahun,
mestilah dah ase borink...
incik mie,
t incik mie g korea...
incik mie tanya ar group 2 pm ni,
kalau incikm mie g Seattle ,
cari lah jae beom ek..
emo boy,
thankz for what?
ensem ag gua...hehe
nice post. thanks.
incik amer aan memang hencem pun
incik anonymous,
meh try minat kat bro nk... nnt bro wat fan club he..23x
BroFramestone Blog
i like jaebeom...:)
he's a great singer n a great dancer
he's also so funny
love him...
bro fs:
ok2..bro wat dalu fans club tu k.hehhe
anymos:thankz commenting~
kpop.. huhuhu... I like!!!
sedih jay kuar..huhu
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